Please Change the Code from:
ptr_d[3*x] = (int) (temp * 255/180);
ptr_d[3*x] = (int) (temp * 255/60);
in line 108, as show below. This improves the upper end of thermal image.
Sample Code:
//______________________________________________________________________________________ // OpenCV Pseudo Coloring of Images // Author: Bharath Prabhuswamy //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("thermal.jpg"); int flag; /* Always check if the program can find a file */ if( !img ) return -1; IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), 8, 1 ); IplImage* disp = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), 8, 3 ); cvZero(disp); /*Convert the image to gray*/ cvCvtColor(img,gray,CV_RGB2GRAY); uchar* ptr_d; uchar* ptr_g; int temp; printf("Select an option for Colouring -\n"); printf("1.MRI Scan\n"); printf("2.Thermal Image\n"); scanf("%d",&flag); /*Check if the user selects a valid option */ if(flag !=1 && flag !=2) { printf("Invalid Input\n"); printf("Application Exit\n"); return -1; } for( int y=0; y<gray->height; y++) { ptr_g = (uchar*) (gray->imageData + y * gray->widthStep); ptr_d = (uchar*) (disp->imageData + y * disp->widthStep); for(int x=0; x<img->width; x++ ) { /*The option is MRI */ if(flag ==1) { //Colour pixels that Black and fade to Blue if(ptr_g[x] < 25) { temp = ptr_g[x]; ptr_d[3*x+2] = 0; ptr_d[3*x+1] = 0; ptr_d[3*x] = (int) (temp * 255/25); } else { temp = ptr_g[x] - 25; //Colour pixels that nearly Grey to Blue and then fade to Green if(temp >=0 && temp < 115) // { ptr_d[3*x+1] = (int) (temp * 255/115); ptr_d[3*x] = 255 -(int) (temp * 255/115); } //Starting From Green,Colour pixels that nearly White to Red else if(temp >=116 && temp <= 230) { temp = ptr_g[x] - 115; ptr_d[3*x+2] = (int) (temp * 255/115); ptr_d[3*x+1] = 255 -(int) (temp * 255/115); } } } else { //Colour pixels that Black and fade to Purple if(ptr_g[x] < 15) { temp = ptr_g[x]; ptr_d[3*x+2] = (int)(temp * 90/15); ptr_d[3*x+1] = 0; ptr_d[3*x] = (int)(temp * 90/15); } else { temp = ptr_g[x] - 15; //Colour pixels that nearly Grey to Purple and fade to Yellow if(temp >=0 && temp < 180) { ptr_d[3*x+2] = (int)(90 + (temp * 155/180)); ptr_d[3*x+1] = (int)(temp * 255/180); ptr_d[3*x] = (int)(90 - (temp * 90/180)); } //Starting From Yellow,Colour pixels that nearly White to White itself else if(temp >=180 && temp <= 240) { temp = ptr_g[x] - 180; ptr_d[3*x+2] = 255; ptr_d[3*x+1] = 255; ptr_d[3*x] = (int) (temp * 255/60); } } } } } /* create a window to show the coloured image */ cvNamedWindow( "Display", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Display",disp); /* Save the coloured image if needed*/ //cvSaveImage("output.jpg",disp); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow( "Display" ); cvReleaseImage( &img ); return 0; }
Bharath, Good work on this. I'm trying to learn from your code.
ReplyDeleteFor the thermal image, how did you decide that the pixel values should be temp*155/180 or temp*90/15 .
or are these generic thermal pseudo colouring values? if so do you have a source where you got these values from? thanks
The idea actually was to have WHITE for brighter regions of the thermal image.
ReplyDeleteThis was altered when writing the program.
It happened because I did this by trail and error, trying to come out with a combination which would look familiar.